How to Seal Diamond Painting
Now, you’ve finally finished your gorgeous diamond painting. Every diamond is finally filled, and you are admiring your creation and how to seal it is the next question pop up in your mind.
Despite your long hours of work, your job is not finished yet. Now, you need to further refine your masterpiece. That’s when we get to the last step of the diamond painting process: sealing.
Diamond beads can often fall off the canvas over time. The only way to prevent this is to use a sealant. The sealant can also stiffen up your painting, giving it some structure. This can make it easier to mount somewhere and store it without damaging the painting.
In this article, we will outline some techniques to help you through the final process of sealing your diamond painting.

Here are a couple of the materials you’ll be needing to put on the sealant:
- Sealer Glue/Finish (or a Sealer Spray, Gloss Modge Podge )
- Paint Brush
- Roller
- Toothbrush (or cloth)
- Tweezers
If you feel confused about where to get these important tools, we highly recommend that you take a look at the Diamond Painting Tools Full Kits. They provide you with the supplies that you'll need in every stage of your diamond painting process, from setting up the beads to refining it with the sealer.
The type of sealant you get is up to you. However, we recommend a glue that remains clear upon drying as the type of glue you use could make your diamonds appear less shiny. Feel free to experiment with different glues!
- Remove air bubbles between the diamonds. Using your roller, press firmly but gently onto all sections of the diamond painting.
- Remove the extra wax and dust particles between the diamond beads. You can do this by first scrubbing a toothbrush or using a fuzzy cloth to get in between the cracks.
- Further, refine the details by using a pair of tweezers.
There are different types of sealants and techniques, and you can choose whichever you prefer!
- Glue paste. Dip your paintbrush in the glue and paint a generous layer on top of your painting - but not too much, as it could reduce the shine of your painting.
- Glue sticks. Apply this type gently and completely cover the painting, adding on layers until you’re satisfied.
- Spray glue. Simply use short bursts and spray 2-3 times in distinct areas of your painting.